Friday, May 2, 2008

some of my class gals...!

we have beautiful loooong legs! *yah right..!*

me and my lesmate again..!

something very tulan sia! u knw.. my rich rich royal blood customer bought 6 machines AGAIN plus a very high end chair but NOT from me. oh damnit. the lady from the embassy called me FIVE times but i didnt ans. phone in silent mode! so..she called the customer service and the stooopid customer service ask her to get from any of the outlets.

when i called her back, she told me that the problem has been settled. at that point of time, i didnt knw that she wanna buy. i only knw it until today when my colleague from the outlet told me. WAH LAU!! i lost few hundred bucks la! DAMNIT!!!

i lost few hundred bucks cos i just delayed e phone call for 10-20mins!! WAH LAU!!

u say gek sim not gek sim? OF COS gek sim leh...!! =(

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